Her World with Devi


She didn’t pose for the camera, she let me into her world of emotions.

She smiled, clawed, bit, panted and ravaged her own hair at the camera.

You can’t help but stare.

She gives you so much.


One of the most laid back shoots took place in Devi’s quiet Berkeley apartment. It was a nice environment to work in as we spent a nice chunk of time getting to know each other before shooting. I found myself talking way too much as she seemed fascinated by my own background as a pacific islander. I was being listened to rather then me doing the listening. It was a really nice change of pace and created a very warm and safe working environment. I found myself exploring a new world with a new model and a new shooting location. I was excited to see what I would discover.




Devi was excellent at revealing a long range of emotions to the camera. She gave everything to the camera. She would let me into a very private world, which I felt was so very brave of her. I loved the way Devi modeled as she used a large mirror to the side of us to check her own poses and looks. She commanded herself for the right look and I think it added so much more to the set. She was magnificent.

My goal for the shoot was to end up with a set that not only evoked Devi’s emotions, but to create an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy. I felt like the fact that the location was Devi’s own home helped quite a bit. My own fresh eyes would also add to a new perspective of Devi’s world. I was very happy with the set’s hint of a washed out look, soft glow and selective focus. I was also pleased with a few shots that felt very voyeuristic, but still inviting as Devi stares right down the barrel of the lens. I was so pleased to take advantage of her whole apartment, shooting in her room, corridor and kitchen. It truly was an exploration into this wonderful woman’s nature. I discovered a woman of sensuality, playfulness, beauty and above all, a woman of benevolence as she let me into her home and treated me with such kindness and courtesy.

Devi is a woman not afraid to share her world.












Photos and Article by Andrew Pezzulo

Model: Devi

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